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GOC Gallery » Trash Chute Fires » Trash Chute Safety Quiz
Do your chute doors pass O.S.H.A. requirements and Honolulu's fire/insurance codes?

Are there U.L., 1-1/2 hr., "B" rated labels on the doors? WHY?This is why.
Is the door surface free of holes? WHY?This is why.
Is the door and frame secured tightly to the wall? WHY?This is why.
Does the handle and lock work freely? WHY?This is why.
Does the hopper wing/side stop the door from opening more than a 45 degree angle? WHY?This is why.
Does the latch spring back into the extended position? WHY?This is why.
Is the hydraulic closer attached to the frame and door? WHY?This is why.
Does the hydraulic closer shut the door at an even rate, without slamming? WHY?This is why.
Does the latch seal the door to the frame? WHY?This is why.
Do all new parts comply with O.E.M. specifications? WHY?This is why.
Is the chute equipped with a sprinkler system? WHY?This is why.
Is the outlet door self closing in the event of a fire? WHY?This is why.
Is the outlet door held open by a fusible link? (Which melts and allows door to close during a fire) WHY?This is why.